Register now for Spring Classes!
Spring Semester begins January 6th
Celebrating 20 years
For more information, call the studio at (817) 423-9888 or email us at info@balletcenterfortworth.com

Photography and DVDS
Recital DVDs
Relive the magic through the years with an HD video. Download the form here or fill one out at the studio. Make your payment by phone or at the studio.
Photo Shoot and Recital Photography
Recital Costume photo shoot is back per request of many parents and students. We offer a photo shoot opportunity at the studio with a backdrop. Capture your dancer in their recital costume with beautiful, high-quality digital photos. View more information here and sign up for photos by clicking here
Saturday, May 9, 2020 (PB 3&4, BB 5&6, BB 7&8)
Saturday, May 16, 2020 (PB 3&4, BB 5&6, BB 7&8, BB 9&10)
Saturday, May 30, 2020 (BB 9&10 and Intermediate Levels)
Professional photos of your dancer's big moment on recital day are a cherished keepsake. For safety reasons, we do not allow flash photography during the performance, but we do provide quality digital or print photos of the recital for purchase online after the show. For more information please contact us at info@balletcenterfortworth.com or call 817.423.9888